You will get the details of what are the orders in Islam about the types of Nazar, treatment, and protection in this post. It should be remembered that “Nazar” refers to “Nazar e bad”( evil eye) and “Nazar e bad” is the power of evil which is more or less found in every human being. This power of evil i.e. evil eye enters from one person to another person through jealousy. Jealousy is a part of human nature. Therefore, seeing every beautiful thing can create envy in the heart of a person. Due to the effects of jealousy, a person is the victim of Nazar, and due to Nazar, serious obstacles, problems, and diseases can arise in the life of a person.

Types of Nazar in Islam

Types of Nazar in Islam

It should be remembered that there is an explanation of Nazar in Islam, but the types of Nazar are not mentioned in Islam. But if we study the blessed hadith carefully, we will know that the hadith mentions the Nazar of humans and jinn.
So in this sense, it can be said that there are two types of Nazar.
That is
Nazar Of Human
Nazar of jinn

Nazar Of Human

Nazar Of Human

Generally, innocent people are victims of other people’s Nazar. Jealousy is a cause of Nazar while Nazar is a part of human nature. Therefore, seeing every beautiful thing, it is a common thing to get jealous in the human heart. Therefore, any person can become a victim of Nazar due to jealousy. Most of the children are affected due to Nazar. Apart from this, Innocent girls, boys, pregnant women, healthy and intelligent people, and successful people become victims of Nazar very quickly. The more intense the person’s jealousy, the more intense the effects of the Nazar. Due to Nazar, a person’s life can be severely failed, hindered, disturbed, anxious, and sick, and sometimes due to the effects of Nazar, a person remains troubled throughout his life. Therefore, it is important to read the protection Duas in the morning and evening.

Nazar of jinn

Nazar of jinn

According to the hadith, man and his children, male and female, can be victims of the Nazar of jinn. Jinn are everywhere and they have always been jealous of humans. Therefore, Muslims can be victims of the evil eye of the jinn, besides, the evil eye of the jinn can prove dangerous for the Muslim. According to some elders, the evil eye of the jinn can lead to accidents, untreated diseases, and poverty for the individual. Jinn’s Nazar is also called the chronic evil eye, this is because the effects of Jinn’s Nazar are not easily removed from the person’s body, nor is Jinn’s Nazar easily confirmed. Therefore, storms of problems and obstacles are always coming in the life of the individual due to the Nazar of the Jinn. Therefore, healing and protection from Nazar is essential for every Muslim. The best Duas for healing and protection from Nazar are Surah Falaq and Surah Nas. The details of which are listed below.

Dua to Remove Nazar in Islam

surah falaq and surah nas for nazar

The best Quranic Duas for healing and protection from Nazar are Surah Falaq and Surah Nas, and according to the Hadith, Surah Falaq and Surah Nas are the best Duas for protection.
That is, by reciting Surah Falaq and Surah Nas, a Muslim gets the protection of Allah, due to which he is always protected from the evil eye, black magic, jinn, and enemies. Therefore, every Muslim should recite Surah Falaq and Surah Nas once in the morning before sunrise and immediately after sunset. Insha Allah, this spiritual process ( wazifa) will always protect you from the evil eye. And if you have become a victim of Nazar, then recite Darood Sharif once, Surah Falaq once, and Surah Nas once and blow on your body.
Insha Allah, you will get well soon from Nazar. It should be remembered that whether you are a victim of Nazar or not, it is necessary to perform the spiritual process described in both forms. But if a person has been a victim of the chronic evil eye, then his spiritual treatment is the divine amulet. It should be remembered that due to the chronic evil eye, storms of problems always come in the life of a person. Apart from this, a major accident may also occur in the life of an individual due to the chronic evil eye. Therefore, in such a case, you must keep the Divine Amulet in your home. With the blessing of the divine amulet, the effects of all kinds of evil from the person’s body and home are destroyed and peace returns to the person’s life.

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