In this post, you will get a Quranic Dua with the blessing of which your children’s mental health will improve and they will always be successful in school, college, interviews, and every field of life. This particular dua Is “Wa Ufawwidu Amri ilallah innallaha Basirun Bil-‘ibad”. Remember that if children are not intelligent, they may face many obstacles to achieving success in life, and the mental development of children is completed by the age of 10 years.
Therefore, it is necessary that the children should become intelligent by the age of 10 years.
But every parent should also keep in mind that children are at serious risk from the evil eye until the age of 10 years. Therefore, the evil eye affects the intelligence of children and due to the intelligence being affected, children face failure in life. So if you want your children to be intelligent and successful, it is important that your children are protected from the evil eye, and the best dua to be safe from the evil eye is dua “Wa Ufawwidu Amri ilallah innallaha Basirun Bil-‘ibad” The method of reciting this dua is given below.

Dua for Children’s Mental Health and Success

Wa Ufawwidu Amri ilallah innallaha Basirun Bil-'ibad

The best dua to make children intelligent early is “Wa Ufawwidu Amri ilallah innallaha Basirun Bil-‘ibad” With the blessing of this Dua Mubaraka, children become intelligent, healthy, and owners of successful fortune very soon. Apart from this, with the blessings of this blessed prayer, the children are protected from evil eyes, jinn, accidents, bad habits, and bad society. Therefore, in order to make children intelligent, healthy, and successful, you should blow 70 times on 3 almonds after reciting “Wa Ufawwidu Amri ilallah innallaha Basirun Bil-‘ibad” and feed these almonds to your children.
Continue this spiritual process for 14 days. Insha Allah, after 14 days, your children’s mental and physical health will start improving.
After completing this spiritual process, in the morning you should recite Durood 10 times and “Wa Ufawwidu Amri ilallah innallaha Basirun Bil-‘ibad” 10 times and blow your children,
You should continue this process till your children are 10 years old,
So that your children will always be safe from the evil eyes of humans and jinn,

Dua for Children’s Success

Dua for Children's Success

Every parent wants to see their children succeed in every field of life and every exam, Therefore, every parent works hard and makes every effort for the success of their children.
Sometimes parents grow old to raise their children better, so parents are heartbroken when their children do not succeed in life. The reason why children fail in life despite a good upbringing is that some parents do not take care of some things while raising their children.
Therefore, the reasons that make children fail in life are the most important in the evil eye of humans and jinn. In general, our intellect does not recognize the evil eye of humans and jinn, so most parents ignore the evil eye and focus only on their children’s education and food.
Whereas due to the evil eye, children have to face failure and terrible losses in life. Therefore, every parent should do the previously mentioned spiritual process of “Wa Ufawwidu Amri ilallah innallaha Basirun Bil-‘ibad” and if any parents cannot follow this spiritual process, then they should use a divine amulet.

Amulet for Children’s Mental Health and Success

Amulet for Children's Mental Health and Success

The best spiritual process for children’s mental, and physical health, success and spiritual safety is the divine amulet. It should be remembered that children face numerous problems from birth to puberty and a solution to all these problems is the divine amulet. Children are protected from the effects of evil eyes, jinn, devils, accidents, and black magic due to divine amulet. Due to this the mental and physical health of children improves.
Apart from this, with the blessing of the Divine amulet, children get good luck and due to good luck, children always get success, honor, and money in every field of life. So, if you want to see your children successful in life, then get the divine amulet of your children’s name from our team and keep it in your home.

Divine Amulet will be sent to you on WhatsApp and for this purpose, we need your name and purpose. Click the button below for details.

you can contact our team for prayer and spiritual help.

 Whatsapp :+92 309 6369786