When a person looks at another person with envy, the negative energy of that person is transferred to another person through his eyes. So when the negative energy inside a person is transferred to another person through their eyes, it is invisible, and because of this evil eye, the other person starts facing terrible losses in life. so, in this post, we will tell you a useful Quranic Dua to end evil eyes. It should be remembered that for a successful and prosperous life, it is necessary to avoid the evil eye, One way to escape from the evil eye is the “dua for evil eye” The details of which you will get in this post, so read this post thoroughly.

Dua For Evil Eye In Arabic

Dua For Evil Eye In Arabic

Dua For Evil Eye Meaning

“I seek refuge for you both in the Perfect Words of Allah, from every devil and every poisonous reptile, and from every evil eye“

Dua For evil Eye Hadith

Dua For evil Eye Hadith

Sahl ibn Hunayf reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “If one of you sees something from his brother, or in himself, or in his wealth which impresses him, then supplicate for him to be blessed in it. Verily, the evil eye of envy is real.”
Source: Musnad Aḥmad 15700
Ibn Abbas reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The evil eye is real. If anything could precede the divine decree, it would be preceded by the evil eye. When you are asked to perform a ritual bath, then do so.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2188
Abu Dharr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, the evil eye might attach itself to a man by permission of Allah, until he climbs a tall mountain and then throws himself off it.”
Source: Musnad Aḥmad 21471

Best Dua For Evil Eye

Best Dua For Evil Eye

We have explained the Dua of the evil eye in Arabic above. You should remember this dua and you can be protected from the evil eye through this dua in time of need, and apart from that, you can keep your loved ones safe from the evil eye. It should be remembered that the evil eye and its harm were believed even before Islam.
In ancient times, it was the business of many people that earn money by harming people through evil eyes. Therefore, some Satanic people kept people who were experts in the evil eye. So that they can earn money by harming others through them. Therefore, in ancient times, to harm an enemy, the help of the experts of The evil eye was taken. Therefore, this is done even today to harm others. It should be remembered that the harms of Nazarbad are clearly stated in the hadith and it can cause irreparable damage to a person’s life, property, honor, children, home, and business. Therefore, it is very important for every Muslim to be protected from the evil eye, which is possible only through the “Dua for evil eye”.

Dua For Evil Eye for Babies 

Dua For Evil Eye for Babies

Young children are most at risk of the evil eye. Apart from this, children can also be victims of jinn’s evil eyes. The following symptoms may appear in children due to the evil eye.
The baby starts crying a lot,
The child starts to resist,
The child does not drink milk,
The child is afraid of the dark,
The baby’s heart beats faster,
Sometimes the child’s body suddenly becomes cold.
So, if your children have the effects of evil eye, then you should recite the “Dua for evil eye” 7 times and breathe on your child. And do this process two or three times a day. Insha Allah, your children will soon get rid of the evil eye. It should be remembered that sometimes the effects of the evil eye are manifested in children in the form of incurable diseases and bad luck in youth. Therefore, it is important to protect children from the evil eye and even more importantly to recognize it.

Dua For Evil Eye Protection for Family

Dua For Evil Eye Protection for Family

If a brother or sister wants to protect his family from all problems, they should protect his family from the evil eye. insha Allah, your family will be safe from all problems. It should be remembered that if a family is a victim of the evil eye, then because of this, hatred, quarrels, incurable diseases, and poverty settle in that family. And soon that family may break up. Therefore, it is important for the safety and prosperity of the family to be protected from the evil eye, and the best spiritual process to be safe from Nazarbad is the prayer of Nazarbad.
And the best spiritual process to be safe from the evil eye is the “Dua for an evil eye “. so, to keep the family safe from the evil eye, you should recite Dua for Evil eye” 3 times in the morning and evening.

Dua For Evil Eye Protection for Home

Dua For Evil Eye Protection for Home

Every human being loves his home but sometimes due to bad circumstances a person is forced to sell his home, and after that, he is not able to rebuild his house for the rest of his life. After that, he is not able to rebuild his house for the rest of his life.
It should be remembered that the house which has the effects of the evil eye does not stay with its owner for long. Due to the evil eye, the individual is not able to easily build a house again. If a person wants to keep his house safe from the evil eye, then he must recite the “Dua of the evil eye “3 times daily in the morning and evening. Insha Allah, your home will always be safe from the evil eye.

Dua For Evil Eye Protection for Pregnancy

Dua For Evil Eye Protection for Pregnancy

Women can lose pregnancy due to the evil eye, and the women who miscarry repeatedly are victims of the evil eye. Apart from this, women’s pregnancy can also be affected by jinn’s evil eyes. It has been observed that women may get hurt due to the evil eye due to which their pregnancy may be lost. Therefore, if a woman is pregnant, she is in dire need of protection from the evil eye. Therefore, to protect yourself from the evil eye, recite the “Dua for evil eye” 10 times in the morning and evening.

Dua For Evil Eye And Jealousy 

Evil Eye And Jealousy

If you are getting success in life, there must be someone who is jealous of you, and if you fall victim to a jealous eye, your every success can turn into a failure. And you can forget even the words of success due to the evil eye. So to always get success in life you have to stay away from the evil eye. Because the evil eye is the destruction of your hard work, intelligence, health, and success. It should be remembered that envy is the cause of the evil eye and the evil eye is the beginning of the destruction of a person. Therefore, to avoid any envious person, you must recite the “Dua for evil eye” at least 10 times daily.

Dua For Evil Eye Protection for Business

evil eye and business

Some people work hard day and night to make their business successful, but even so the business suffers loss. If your business is not giving you profit despite your constant hard work, then the reason may be the evil eye, and in the presence of the evil eye you cannot get success in business. Therefore, to protect your business from the evil eye, you should give charity and after that you should recite ” dua for evil eye” 10 times daily.
Insha Allah, soon your business will start giving you more benefits than you think.

Dua For Evil Eye Protection for Health

evil eye and health

If a brother or sister wants their health to be always good, then it is important that you protect yourself from evil eyes. Because the evil eye causes chronic disease. Sometimes the effects of the evil eye are removed from the body of the individual, but the disease caused by it does not leave the body of the individual. Therefore, to protect the health, “Dua for evil eye” should be recited 10 times daily.

Dua For Evil Eye Protection for Marriage

If a brother or sister wants their marriage to be free from any kind of hindrance and trouble, then for this purpose it is important that the girl and the boy should be safe from the evil eye. Remember that 50% of the reason for problems in marriage is the evil eye. Therefore, if the effects of the evil eye are over, then every hindrance to marriage is removed. So, to get rid of the hindrance of marriage, you should recite “Dua for evil eye” 10 times daily. Insha Allah, soon all obstacles to your marriage will be removed.

Dua For Evil Eye Protection for Husband

evil eye and husband

Married men tend to the evil eye very quickly. It has been observed that if a married man becomes a victim of the evil eye, he becomes strongly attracted to non-women. Due to this he gradually starts to distance himself from his wife. Therefore, in such a case, every wife should recite the “Dua of evil eye” 10 times in the morning and evening so that her husband is safe from the evil eye and every non-woman.

Symptoms Of The Evil Eye

Symptoms Of The Evil Eye<br />

Not everyone can recognize the evil eye because the symptoms of the evil eye are different for each person. But in this paragraph, we are telling you some of the symptoms of the evil eye which you will find in every person affected by evil eye. Therefore, out of the 13 symptoms mentioned, if a person has 5 symptoms, then he is suffering from the evil eye.
Therefore, out of the 13 symptoms mentioned, if a person has 5 symptoms, then he is suffering from the evil eye.
Having a headache.
Pain in shoulders, legs, and arms
Heart palpitations
To be stubborn
Pressure while sleeping
A feeling of suffocation in the middle of the chest
Reluctance to work
Have nightmares
Opposing people unnecessarily
Every work would be interrupted
Lack of success despite hard work

Surahs for Evil Eye Protection

Surahs for Evil Eye Protection

It should be remembered that there are many Duas and Surah in the Hadith, with the blessing of which salvation and protection can be obtained from the evil eye. Among such Quranic surahs, Surah Falaq, Surah Nas, and Ayatul Kursi are important.
Therefore, Surah Falaq, Surah Nas, and Ayatul-Kursi can be recited in the morning and in the evening for protection and cure from the evil eye, and they have excellent results.
If a brother or sister does not remember the previously mentioned dua, they can receive the blessings of Surah Falaq, Surah Nas, and Ayatul Kursi. That is, you can get relief and protection from the evil eye by reciting Ayatul Kursi, Surah Falaq, and Surah Nas once in the morning and evening.

Amulet for Evil Eye

Amulet for Evil Eye

Another successful spiritual process for quick deliverance and protection from the evil eye is Divine Amulet. Divine Amulet is the powerful protection of your life, wealth, children, honor, home, business, job, and health. Due to the Divine Amulet, you will not be affected by evil spirits, black magic, jinn, and devils all your life.
Due to the Divine Amulet, you will not be affected by the evil evil eye, black magic, jinn, and devils all your life, and you will always be safe from all kinds of accidents. Divine Amulet is important for those who are repeatedly attacked by the evil eye. Divine Amulet is written from the verses of the Quran and it is extremely powerful. 

Divine Amulet will be sent to you on WhatsApp and for this purpose, we need your name and purpose. Click the button below for details.

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