Jealousy is the cause of the evil eye and due to the evil eye, a person’s life, property, children, honor, health, and success can face terrible losses.
So in this post, you will get a Quranic Dua ith the blessing of which you will always be safe from envy and jealousy, and if you are a victim of jealousy then you will also get relief from the effects of jealousy.
There are numerous prayers in the Qur’an and Hadith for protection from envy, jealousy, and the evil eye. In these prayers, Surah Falaq, Surah Nas, Ayatul Kursi, and 4 Qal are important.
The spiritual processes (wazifa) of the mentioned Surahs are already available on our site.
In this post, we will tell you how to get rid of jealousy, envy, and the evil eye through the spiritual blessings of the two holy names of Allah.
These names are “Ya Allah Ya Raqib”, which is also a prayer.
For spiritual protection, the spiritual process (wazifa) of “Ya Allah Ya Raqeeb” is the easiest.
With the blessings of this spiritual process(wazifa), you will always be safe from envy, jealousy, the evil eye, black magic, jinn, enemies, accidents, and all kinds of harm.
Before knowing the spiritual process of praying for spiritual protection, you must know the reality of envy, jealousy, and the evil eye.

What are Envy, Jealousy, and The Evil Eye?

What are Envy, Jealousy, and The Evil Eye

Jealousy is a natural thought that arises automatically in the mind of every human being due to deprivation. If we don’t have a good car, seeing someone else’s good car can make us think I wish I had this car too.
Therefore, such a thought is envy and this thought is given to man by Satan so that he takes the wrong path to achieve his desire.
Jealousy thoughts mostly arise in those people who are not able to do anything special.
Some people’s jealousy goes away automatically after some time, but some people’s jealousy is severe, and severe jealousy also has serious effects.
Due to this, this person may face losses, which is envied,
A jealous person is called Envy and because of jealousy, the other person can become a victim of the evil eye
For this reason, it is said in the hadith that whenever you see something good and beautiful, say Masha Allah, so that the other person will be protected from the evil eye.
It should be remembered that there are many hadiths about the disadvantages of the evil eye and its reality.
According to a hadith, the evil eye can lead to the end of life.
Therefore, only because of being protected from envy and jealousy, a person can be protected from the evil eye, and the easiest Dua for him is “Ya Allah Ya Raqib”.

Disadvantages of Envy And the Evil Eye

Disadvantages of Jealousy And the Evil Eye

Anyone in the world can be affected by jealousy and the evil eye at any time. Anyone in the world can be affected by jealousy and the evil eye at any time. Therefore, every person is affected by 20 losses in life due to jealousy and the evil eye. A person can suffer from incurable diseases due to jealousy and the evil eye. Because of jealousy and the evil eye, a person can become a victim of bad luck, and bad luck brings severe failure in life.
Due to jealousy and the evil eye, the person may suffer from scarcity of sustenance and money. Because of jealousy and the evil eye, a person faces severe failure in job and business. The marriage of a person is delayed due to jealousy and the evil eye.
There is always hatred, anger, and fighting between husband and wife due to jealousy and the evil eye.
Jealousy and the evil eye cause restlessness in the home. A person may lose children due to jealousy and the evil eye. Women can lose pregnancy due to jealousy and the evil eye. Jealousy and the evil eye cause many enemies of the individual, due to which the individual always faces hatred, opposition, and accusations. Due to jealousy and the evil eye, a person suffers from headaches, migraine, depression, and high blood pressure.
It should be remembered that due to jealousy and the evil eye, a person can suffer all kinds of losses and we have told you some of them.

Dua for Protection from Evil Eye And Jealousy

Dua for Protection from Evil Eye And Jealousy<br />

The easiest Dua to avoid the evil eye and jealousy Is “Ya Allah Ya Rakib”. “Ya Allah Ya Raqib” are the holy names of Allah which are listed above in Arabic. Due to these holy names, a person gets spiritual protection and due to spiritual protection, a person’s life, children, home, honor, business, health, and success are protected from jealousy, the evil eye, black magic, and enemies. Therefore, for spiritual protection, after the Fajr or Isha prayers, read Durood 10 times and 100 times “Ya Allah Ya Rakib” and blow on your body. InshAllah, in 3 days all the bad effects in your body and house will disappear and soon you will also get spiritual protection.

Amulet for Protection from Evil Eye And Jealousy

Amulet for Protection from Evil Eye And Jealousy

the oldest and simplest spiritual process for salvation and protection from jealousy, the evil eye, black magic, and the enemy Is the Divine Amulet. Divine Amulet is very important for spiritual protection. Due to the Divine Amulet, all kinds of evil effects are removed from the person’s body and home, and after that, the person is protected from envy, Jealousy, black magic, and enemies all his life. Remember that if you are safe from envy, jealousy, black magic, and enemies, then you will get success, health, respect, love, and money in life, otherwise you may face all kinds of obstacles and problems in life. Therefore, you must keep the Divine Amulet in your home and keep it with you.

Divine Amulet will be sent to you on WhatsApp and for this purpose, we need your name and purpose. Click the button below for details.

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