In this post, you will get such a Quranic Dua, with the blessing of which you will get rid of depression and anxiety forever. This prayer is “Salam Qolam Min Rabbin Rahim“, which is verse 58 of Surah Yasin. With the blessings of this blessed prayer, you will get relief from depression and anxiety in just 7 days.
But before that, you should know why a person has the problem of depression and anxiety.
So in this post, you will get the true causes of depression and anxiety, their reality, and their true spiritual cure which is “Salam Qolam Min Rabbin Rahim”. If you want to get rid of depression and anxiety quickly, read this post thoroughly.

Dua of Anxiety And Depression

Salam Qolam Min Rabbin Rahim

Anxiety and depression are two different psychological diseases, but a spiritual cure for both of these diseases is “Salam Qolam Min Rabbin Rahim” Remember that Depression is an intense feeling of sadness while anxiety is an intense feeling of uneasiness. Some people suffer from depression or anxiety alone, but most of the people in the world suffer from anxiety along with depression. More than 30% of people in the UK and US suffer from depression and anxiety and this disease is continuously increasing. From the medical point of view, the cause of depression and anxiety is the severe weakness of the nerves of the brain, but according to spirituality, depression, and anxiety are caused only because of the evil eye and black magic. Therefore, the evil eye can be removed only through prayer, and due to the end of the effects of the evil eye, the person automatically gets relief from depression and anxiety.

Dua To Get Rid Of Depression And Anxiety

Dua To Get Rid Of Depression And Anxiety

To get rid of anxiety and dejection, you should first read Durood Sharif 10 times after Isha’s prayer. After that, you should write salam on your right arm and after that, you should recite 300 times “Salam Qolam Min Rabbin Rahim” and blow on your chest.
Do this spiritual process (wazifa) for 7 days. Insha Allah, you will get relief from depression and anxiety in 7 days. If you do not get relief from depression and anxiety in 7 days, it means that you have severe effects of black magic and the evil eye. Therefore, in such a case, you should keep the Divine Amulet in your house and keep it with you.

Amulet for Remove Depression And Anxiety

Amulet for Remove Depression And Anxiety

Another successful and ancient spiritual remedy for relief and protection from depression and anxiety is the Divine Amulet. Therefore, you should keep the divine Amulet in your house and keep it with you. Insha Allah, you will get rid of depression and anxiety in 7 days.
Some people become victims of severe depression and anxiety due to being a victim of black magic and the evil eye. While the most powerful spiritual remedy for black magic and the evil eye is the divine amulet. With the blessings of the Divine Amulet, you will always be safe from the evil eye, black magic, jinn, enemies, depression, anxiety, and fear.

Divine Amulet will be sent to you on WhatsApp and for this purpose, we need your name and purpose. Click the button below for details.

you can contact our team for prayer and spiritual help.

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