In this post, you will get a Quranic Dua with the blessing of which you can destroy your enemy in one night. This dua is “Ya Allah Ya Qahhar”. Before reciting this dua, you should know for what reasons the spiritual process of destroying the enemy is done. Apart from this, it is also important for you to know that if the spiritual process of destroying the enemy is done for no reason, what can be the harm? It should be remembered that people have been performing spiritual actions since ancient times to destroy the enemy, due to which the enemy is subject to disease, poverty, and infamy and is automatically destroyed. But remember that spirituality is the law of Allah and it works according to the order of Allah.
Therefore, if you are in danger from the enemy, spirituality has the power to remove this danger. But if you are not in danger from the enemy, in such a case, by doing a spiritual process to destroy the enemy, the person opens the doors of destruction for himself. So if you are really worried about your enemy then recite “Ya Allah Ya Qahar” to destroy the enemy so that you are safe from harm. The details of this spiritual process are given below.

Dua to Destroy Enemy

Ya Allah Ya Qahar

If a brother or sister wants to destroy his enemy in one night, the best dua for him is “Ya Allah Ya Qahar”. Therefore, after the Isha prayer, first recite Durood 10 times and after that, you keep your enemy in your mind and recite “Ya Allah Ya Qahar” 1300 times.
By doing this, you punch 3 times on the ground.
Similarly, you have to repeat this spiritual process 10 times in a night.
By doing this process 10 times, you will be able to read “Ya Allah Ya Qahar” 13000 times.
By doing this, the destruction of the enemy will soon begin and this destruction will not stop.
But remember that if you are in danger because of your enemy, then do this process, otherwise you may also face losses.
So you should do some spiritual process that causes the destruction of your enemy but you remain safe from harm, and this spiritual process is a divine amulet. The details of which are listed at the end.

Dua to Destroy Enemies Plan

Dua to Destroy Enemies Plan

Remember that it is not easy to understand the intentions of the enemy, so if your enemy is stubborn, he will definitely make some plan that can make your life miserable, and the stubborn enemy plays thousands of such games. Remember that wise enemies always resort to black magic to make life a torment, and due to black magic, the person always faces such losses which are not even in the imagination of the person.
It should be remembered that the people who are affected by black magic never get rid of illness, poverty, failure, and infamy. So if you believe that your enemy is making a dangerous scheme against you, then make it a habit to recite “Ya Allah Ya Qahar” 300 times daily to destroy this Plan. Insha Allah, your enemy will not be able to succeed in any of his plans.

Amulet to Destroy Enemy

Amulet to Destroy Enemy

Another successful, most powerful, and harmless spiritual process to quickly destroy the enemy and his dangerous plans is the divine amulet.
Therefore, first of all, you should forgive your enemy and after that, you should keep the Divine Amulet in your house and keep it with you. With the blessing of the divine amulet, you will get spiritual protection and due to spiritual protection, whenever an enemy tries to harm you, he will suffer from this harm himself. It should be remembered that the greatest harm to a Muslim is due to the evil eyes, black magic, jinn, and devils.
and most of the enemies harm others only by resorting to black magic, while with the blessing of the divine amulet, you will always be safe from the evil eye, black magic, jinn, devils, accidents, and enemies. Therefore, you should keep the divine amulet in your house and keep it with you.

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