The Evil eye is the negative energy of a person that enters another person through his eyes and causes trouble. Anyone can be affected by the evil eye at any time.
Many people in the world observe the evil eye daily. There are different ways to protect the evil eyes. In these methods, eggs, salt, and lemon are also used to remove the evil eyes. These methods are used in Muslim families, but they are not present in the hadith. But since there is nothing non-Islamic in these methods, there is no harm in treating the evil eye through these methods. In Islam, there is mention of bath and Dua of the evil eye to get rid of the evil eye. So in this post, we will tell you some home tips to get rid of the evil eye.

How To Get Rid Of Evil Eye With Egg

How To Get Rid Of Evil Eye With Egg

The practice of removing the evil eye from eggs was even before Islam and even today this method is used by Muslim families. Some people believe that the egg can absorb negative energy. Apart from this, egg also helps in balancing the energy level in the human body.
Therefore, through eggs, we can eliminate negative energy and the evil eye in the following way.
The person who is suffering from the evil eye should sit facing the Qiblah.
Place an egg and a glass of water in front of the person who is suffering from the evil eye.
Also, light a candle in front of the patient.
After that, you take the egg in your right hand and rotate it seven times over the patient’s head.
During this time, keep reciting Surah Ikhlas.
After doing this process, you blow on the water.
After that, the patient should drink this water.
Finally, you should place the egg in a place where the birds can eat it
By doing this process, the patient gets cured of the evil eye in 3 days.
Some people break it and put it in a glass of water,
By doing this, sometimes strange shapes are formed in the egg and sometimes blood also comes out from the egg. Remember that there is no purpose in doing so. Rather, this method causes people to worry more. So, follow the same method that we have told you to get rid of the evil eye using eggs . Inshallah, you will get cured soon from the evil eye. You can also do this method on yourself.

How To Get Rid Of Evil Eye With Lemon

How To Get Rid Of Evil Eye With Lemon

The method of getting rid of the evil eye with lemon is centuries-old. This method is still used in Muslim households today, But mostly this method is used in Hindu Dharma.
It is believed that evil spirits intervene somewhere in the evil eye, While lemon has the power to ward off evil spirits.
Below is the method to get rid of the evil eye with lemon.
First, make the patient sit facing the Qibla.
After that, place a bowl of water and a lemon in front of the patient.
After that, recite “Auzubillah Minashaitan Nirajeem” once on the patient and inhale it.
After that, you rotate the lemon on the patient’s head 7 times.
After that, cut two pieces of this lemon and put them in a bowl of water.
On the next day, pour this water into the roots of a tree.
Inshallah, you will be cured of the evil eye in one day.
You can also do this method on yourself

How To Get Rid Of Evil Eye With Salt

How To Get Rid Of Evil Eye With Salt

Salt is considered the best for cleaning anything, It is believed that the use of salt is also better for the inter-self-cleaning. It should be remembered that the evil eye makes the human soul sick and negative energy is believed to be the cause of soul sickness,and negative energy always enters a person’s body and soul through the evil eye. Therefore, salt has been used since ancient times to cleanse the soul and to get rid of the evil eye. And even today, salt is used in Muslim families to get rid of the evil eye.
The method of getting rid of the evil eye by salt is listed below:
In order to end the evil eye with salt, you should make the patient sit facing the Qibla.
Place a piece of salt and a glass of water in front of the patient.
After that, recite Surah Nas 7 times on the patient and blow the patient.
After that, the affected person should hold the piece of salt in his right hand and blow on it 7 times.
It should be remembered that the patient should only blow on the piece of salt and not recite Surah Nas.
Surah Nas should be recited only by spiritual healers.
Finally, the patient should put this piece of salt in a bowl of water.
After a day you pour this water into the root of a tree
Insh Allah, the patient will be cured soon.
This spiritual process can be done by the patient himself۔

How To Get Rid Of Evil Eye With In Islam

The best Quranic Duas for deliverance and protection from the evil eye are Surah Falaq and Surah Nas.
It is narrated on the authority of Uqba bin Amir that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) ordered them to recite Surah Falaq and Surah Nas after every prayer.
Surah Falaq and Surah Nas are Duas for seeking refuge in Allah.
While healing from black magic and the evil eye is only in seeking the refuge of Allah.
Therefore, if you are a victim of the evil eye, then to get rid of the evil eye, recite Surah Falaq and Surah Nas and blow on your body.
If your children are affected by the evil eye, In such a cause, recite Surah Falaq and Surah Nas and blow in your children. Insha Allah, soon you and your children will be cured of the evil eye.

How To Get Rid Of Evil Eye With Quranic Amulet

How To Get Rid Of Evil Eye With Quranic Amulet

Divine Amulet is the best spiritual means of healing and protection from the evil eye. Divine Amulet is written from the verses of the Quran, due to which your life, children, and home are always protected from the evil eye and black magic. So you get Divine Amulet from our team and keep it in your home and keep it with you Insha Allah, you will also get rid of the evil eye and you will be safe from the evil eye in the next life. 

Divine Amulet will be sent to you on WhatsApp and for this purpose, we need your name and purpose. Click the button below for details.

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