In this post, you will get a spiritual process through which spirituality will give you the answer to your question by moving your body right or left. This process is completed in just 5 minutes, so read this post thoroughly to know the details of this miraculous spiritual process.

Every worried person wants to know the solution to the problem, but there are some problems that a person cannot find a solution to despite hard efforts. Therefore, in such a situation, some people do Istikhara to find out the solution to their problem, but according to the hadith, Istikhara is not a process of finding out what is hidden, but simply a prayer. Since ancient times, Muslims have been searching for spiritual processes that provide solutions to problems.
Since ancient times, Muslims have been searching for spiritual processes that provide solutions to problems. In this spiritual process, spirituality tries to answer your question in yes or no by moving your body.
This spiritual process is for women, and women from 10 to 50 years of age can do this spiritual process without any fear.
Before knowing the method of this spiritual process, you need to know what questions you can get answered through divine meditation.

Get Answers from Spirituality

Through Divine Meditation, you can get answers to all your questions, but through this meditation, you cannot know the decisions of Allah. Besides, this meditation is not knowledge of the unseen but a spiritual guess which can sometimes be wrong. Therefore, it is important that after doing this meditation you take the correction of an experienced spiritual master because sometimes it is difficult for the common man to understand the spiritual signals.
Through divine meditation, you can get answers to the following 10 questions.
The goal will be successful or not
Will the marriage be valid or not?
Husband loves or not?
Are you a victim of black magic or not?
Whether or not you have the evil eye effect on your body?
Do you have Jinn in your house or not?
Do you have any enemies or not?
The cause of illness is spiritual or physical?
Whether your friend loves you or not?
Will there be success in a love marriage or not?
The husband will love you again or not
Will the husband remarry or not?
Does the husband love a non-woman or not?
Is the child on the right path or not?
This meditation is usually done to get answers to the 14 questions stated. This meditation is usually done to get answers to the 14 questions stated. Generally in divine meditation, if the person’s body rotates to the right, it means the answer to your question is yes, Similarly, the body of some people rotates to the right, but the answer to this question is not yes. Therefore, it is important that you contact the spiritual expert sister Zynab Ali, or her spiritual teacher Raza Bhai, and ask about the meaning of the spiritual signal.

Ritual to Get Answers 

Dua to Get Answers from Spirituality

Remember that in this spiritual process, you will get the answer to your question in the form of yes or no. If your body moves to the right during this process, then the answer to your question is yes.
And if your body rotates to the left, the answer to your question is no.
So first of all you should keep your question in your heart.
After that, after the Isha prayer, perform ablution and stand facing the Qiblah.
Close your eyes and stand on the Prayer rug.
In this state, you should recite “Dua Iyyaka Na’budu Wa Iyyaka Nastaeen” 111 times.
While doing this, your body will automatically rotate to the right or left side.
Remember not to move your body on your own.
If you feel that your body is moving, you don’t even have to stop it.
This process is completed in 5 minutes.
If your body rotates to the right during this process, the answer to your question is yes
If your body rotates to the left, the answer to your question is no.
If your body does not move even after doing divine meditation, it means that either you have not meditated correctly, or you are a victim of the chronic evil eye, chronic black magic, or jinn, because sometimes the body does not rotate due to the effects of jinn, Nazar, and black magic.
Therefore, in such a case, you should do divine meditation with the help of another woman.


Sometimes it has happened that the body of a person suffering from jinn, evil eye, and black magic turns to the right or the left during meditation.
But such a signal is not spiritual, but it is a signal from the jinn, evil spirits, and black magic, whose purpose is to mislead you.
Therefore, it is important that a brother or sister, if they do the mentioned spiritual process, must contact spiritual expert Zainab Ali so that they can avoid wrong results.

Problem Solution Dua

If you have performed the divine meditation correctly and your body is turned to the left during it,
Or you feel a weight on your body and head, or you feel fear,
So this is a signal of trouble.
So, to end this problem of yours, you should do Isme Azam meditation for 14 days.
Insha Allah, whatever the cause of your problem, you will get rid of it.
For full details of Isme Azam meditation, click on the button below.
Apart from this, if you don’t get any benefit in 14 days, then you can get the divine amulet from our team and keep it in your house and with you.
Insha Allah, soon all your problems will end forever. Below is the button for the details of the Divine Amulet.

you can contact our team for prayer and spiritual help.