In this post, you will get such a spiritual truth of Isme Azam Dua, due to which you will be able to receive the prayers of at least one lakh people,
and because of the prayers of these millions of people, you will get 70 benefits.
Isme Azam dua means Dua to Allah by resource of Isme Azam.
It should be remembered that there is a connection between Dua, Isme Azam, and spiritual help.
Through dua and Isme Azam, a person gets spiritual help and through spiritual help, a person can make any impossible task possible.
So in this post, you will get a very mysterious way to get spiritual help through Dua and Isme Azam through which you will be able to bring success, prosperity, and blessings in your life.
But before adopting this method you need to understand the working of Isme Azam, Dua, and Spirituality which you will get in this post, so read this post thoroughly.

Real Isme Azam

real isme azam

Angels, humans, and jinn know Allah’s innumerable attribute names, All these names are Isme Azam, but based on the hadith and the ideas and teachings of the saints of Allah, it seems that Allah must have a name that is the most special. Therefore, countless Saints searched to find the Isme Azam, Therefore, it has been estimated by the elders based on the orders of the hadith that Ism-e-Azam is the second verse of Surah Ikhlas, which is Allah Hu Samad. So, in this post, you will get three secrets of Allah Hu Samad that are not known by common people, and if a person understands the secret in this article, he will also know the secret of making the impossible possible.

How to Recite Isme Azam Dua

How to Recite Isme Azam Dua<br />

It is most important for you to know the reality of Isme Azam, dua, and spiritual help but before that, we tell you the spiritual process (wazifa) of Dua Isme Azam so that you can get spiritual help soon, because only through spiritual help will your problems be removed.
If we consider the Hadith and the observations of Sufia, we will know that the Isme Azam is Allah Hu Samad.
“Allah Hu Samad” is the second verse of Surah Ikhlas and in this verse, there are two names of Allah which are the great names.
Therefore, to get spiritual help through Isme Azam, you should first recite Durood 10 times after the Fajr prayer.
After that, close your eyes place your right hand over your heart, and recite Allah Hu Samad 300 times with a wooden rosary in your left hand.
After reciting Allah Hu Samad 300 times, recite the following dua once in your language.
Dua Isme Azam:
“O Allah removes all their worries from those Muslims who regularly call upon you as “Allah Hu Samad“.
After doing this process in a few days you will get spiritual help due to which you will get relief from all your present problems.
It should be remembered that the described spiritual process (wazifa) is not trivial, but it is one of the ancient secrets of spirituality, the details and benefits of which are listed below.

The Secret To Getting Spiritual Help Quickly

The Secret To Getting Spiritual Help Quickly<br />

The secret of getting spiritual help quickly is that you yourself should recite Isme Azam “Allah Hu Samad” and encourage others to recite “Allah Hu Samad” as well.
Remember that when a person recites Isme Azam “Allah Hu Samad” by your Exhortation,
So, because of this, the spiritual blessings that this person will get, you will also get the spiritual blessings.
In the same way, if 100 people recite Isme Azam by your Exhortation, So the spiritual blessings that these 100 people will get, you will also get the same spiritual blessings
In simple words, it can be said that if 100 people read Allahu al-Samad one hundred thousand times, then you will also get the same reward as these 100 people will get the reward.
And this is true and we have seen the lives and fortunes of countless people change due to adopting this method.
So if a person wants to get spiritual help quickly, then the shortcut for him is to recite Isme Azam yourself and encourage others to recite Isme Azam “Allah Hu Samad”.
The stated spiritual law was understood when the Hadith emphasized continuous charity.
Therefore, after understanding this spiritual law, Sophia quickly got spiritual help, and because of this, Sophia told us a special way to ease the difficulties, which was present in the hadith under the name of “continuous charity”
Therefore, if you want to get rid of all your problems very soon, then you should encourage more and more people to recite the Isme Azam” Allah Hu Samad”,
And the virtues of Isme Azam that we have told you should also be shared with people so that people recite Isme Azam with passion and love.
Remember that the more people recite Isme Azam because of you, the more spiritual benefit you will get.
What has been told and explained to you is a great spiritual secret that we have been able to understand after 20 years of hard work, research, and observations.
So you should also understand this and try to make Isme Azam known to as many people as possible. Insha Allah, soon you will start seeing its benefits.

The Secret Of Getting Spiritual Help through Isme Azam Dua

The Secret Of Getting Spiritual Help through Isme Azam Dua

In the previous paragraph, we have told you the method of Isme Azam Dua and the secret of getting quick spiritual help.
Now in this post, we are going to tell you some secrets of Isme Azam Dua according to Hadith which will surprise you.
So what we have learned in 20 years we will try to tell you in 20 lines.
The first secret hidden in Isme Azam Dua is the Dua that has been told to you before.
Consider the words of this prayer.
Word Of Dua Isme Azam:
“O Allah, remove all the worries of Muslims who call you “Allah Ho Samad” regularly.”
In this blessed prayer, you prayed for those people who recite the Allah Hu Samad.
Whereas in 20 years, we advised more than one lakh people to recite Isme Azam “Allah Hu Samad”.
And those who recite “Allah Hu Samad” they encourage others to recite Allah Hu Samad as well, because of this, the number of people who recite “Allah Hu Samad” in the world is continuously increasing.
Therefore, those who recite “Allah Hu Samad” also recite the above Dua once. In this dua, you pray for every person who recites “Allah Hu Samad”.
In other words, everyone who recites “Allah Hu Samad” is also praying for you.
In other words, if you recite Isme Azam “Allah Hu Samad”, then because of that you are receiving prayers from thousands of people.
While among the acts of worship mentioned in the hadith, the most emphasis has been placed on Dua.
Prayer is also a Dua and Surah Fatiha recited in prayer is also the greatest Dua.
According to a hadith, if 40 people pray for a person, then such a prayer is accepted in the presence of Allah.
In the method of Dua Isme Azam which has been told to you, thousands of people are praying for you.
Similarly, according to the hadith, if a person who does not know you pray for you, So such a prayer is also accepted in the presence of Allah.
Whereas no one knows you in the prayer (Isme Azam Dua) that has been told to you.
There are numerous such hadiths in which the mysterious reality of Dua is described.
In short, through the Isme Azam Dua, you receive the prayers of millions of people, and when a person receives the prayers of millions of people, due to this, the person also receives spiritual help, and because of the spiritual help, the person Gets rid of all present problems.

3rd Secret of Dua Isme Azam

3rd Secret of Dua Isme Azam

Now we will tell you the third spiritual secret connected with Dua Isme Azam.
According to some elders, when a person continuously recites a verse of the Quran, due to this, a special spirituality arises and forms a spiritual circle in the sky.
For example, if a person recites the Isme Azam”Allah Hu Samad” in a certain way, then due to this, a spiritual circle like a galaxy is formed in the universe.
After that, anyone in the world who recites “Allah Hu Samad” will be born into spirituality and will gather in this spiritual realm.
And thus this spiritual circle becomes bigger and bigger and stronger and stronger.
The Isme Azam “Allah Hu Samad” was the first to be recited the most by a Sahabi Rasool,
and from ancient times till today, the Unlimited people in the world have recited “Allah Hu Samad”.
Therefore, the people who have recited Isme Azam “Allah Hu Samad” till today, the spirituality created due to it gathers in this particular spiritual circle.
Therefore, whoever recites the name of Azam Allah as-Samad today, will be connected to this spiritual realm at some point, due to which a strange spiritual power will be created in that person.
This spiritual power is the spiritual help due to which every problem of the individual is automatically removed.
Apart from this, the person who attains the spirituality of “Allah Hu Samad” becomes able to read the thoughts of every person who recites “Allah Hu Samad” in the world.
This is the secret through which “Sophia” used to connect with the minds of people living millions of miles away in ancient times and guide them, and all this was possible only through Isme Azam.
It should be remembered that the described spiritual secret was discovered by the saints in ancient times and because of this secret, the saints found such verses of the Qur’an which were recited frequently by people from the early days of Islam until today.
Therefore, with the help of this verse, the saints used to build a spiritual network.
Qadiriya, Chishtiyya, Suhrawardiyya, mujaddidi, and Qalandariyya, were originally spiritual networks.
Through this, the Saints tried to connect people with the spiritual realm, and for this reason, the Saints were able to guide the people in trouble.
But today in the world there are Qadiriya, Chishtiyya, Suhrawardiyya, mujaddidi, and Qalandariyya groups, but there is no spirituality in them, and neither do people understand the purpose behind these spiritual groups.

It should be remembered that Shahid Bhai and Amina Behan have revealed the secrets hidden in Azam “Allah Husmad”
But the birth of this spirituality started when the Prophet of Islam said that the example of Hazrat Ali is like Surah Ikhlas in the Quran.
Just as reciting Surah Ikhlas once is equivalent to reciting one-third of the Qur’an, similarly the love of Hazrat Ali is one-third of faith.
Therefore, after hearing this order, many people started reciting Surah Ikhlas in the love of Maula Ali. Consider for yourself that Allah Hu Samad is the second verse of Surah Ikhlas and it is also the Isme Azam.
Therefore, those who constantly recite the “Allah Hu Samad”,
They sometimes become attached to the spiritual network, and for this reason, such people always get more success and spiritual help than they think. We have told you the important spiritual secrets of isme Azam Dua. We have already told you how to join this Dua Mubaraka, now we will tell you the benefits of this Dua that we have witnessed for 20 years.

Benefits Of Dua Isme Azam Allah Hu Samad

Benefits Of Dua Isme Azam Allah Hu Samad

.Now we will tell you the benefits of Isme Azam Dua that you can get in just 7 days, but for this purpose, you have to join Dua regularly and the method of joining Dua is listed earlier.
“Allah Hu Samad” is in Surah Ikhlas and with His blessings any Muslim can make any impossible task possible.
Apart from this, it is written in the ancient books about the Isme Azam that because of the name Hazrat Salman ruled the jinn.
Hazrat Nuh created a flood of water.
Fire could not harm Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) because of the blessing of the Isme Azam.
Hazrat Khidr ruled over water.
By the power of Isme Azam, Hazrat Musa’s staff used to become a dragon.
With the blessing of Isme Azam, Hazrat Isa used to revive the dead.
The Prophet of Islam also had Isme Azam due to which he ruled on time and that is why the event of Ascension, which was to be completed in millions of years, was completed in a few seconds due to Isme Azam.
Every prophet had an Isme Azam, due to which wind, water, earth, and fire obeyed his command.
You can get the following worldly benefits by joining Isme Azam Dua.
With the blessing of Isme Azam Dua, you will start getting uncountable sustenance.
You will get the job of your choice.
You will be successful in a job interview.
You will get success and advancement in your job.
Your salary will increase.
You will develop a good relationship with the office staff and the boss.
You will get growth and success in business
You will be successful in every field of life and every exam.
With the blessings of Isme Azam Dua, you will get rid of every hindrance to marriage.
The daughter will get the relationship of her choice.
With the blessings of Isme Azam Dua, love will develop between husband and wife.
Childless people will get children.
The sick person will be cured.
With the blessing of Isme Azam Dua, a person is protected from black magic, enemies, envy, enemies, jinn, and accidents.
With the blessings of Isme Azam Dua, blessings, peace, love, and prosperity are created in the house.
With the blessings of Isme Azam Dua, a person gets more money and wealth.
The individual gets rid of the debt quickly.
With the blessing of Isme Azam Dua, a person gets his every wish.
With the blessings of Isme Azam Dua, a person can make his every impossible task possible.
So join Dua Isme Azam to get spiritual help soon and if you need further guidance in this matter then you can contact our team.

you can contact our team for prayer and spiritual help.