Pure Musk is a special type of fragrance that is emitted from the navel of a certain type of deer. Musk has been used in medicine since ancient times and even today musk is used in many medicines. Musk is also used to make perfume, but perfume is not musk.
Some people consider perfume to be musk, whereas musk is in powder form and has a dark maroon color. The smell of musk is very strong and sometimes nosebleeds due to the smell of musk. Musk is also used by some people in spiritual activities, while it is also mentioned in the Quran and Hadith.
It is very difficult to get musk from a wild deer because when a hunter hunts a deer, the deer first puts its navel in its mouth and therefore the hunter does not get musk.
The deer would take its navel in its mouth at the time of death because the deer does not feel the pain of death due to the musk present in the navel.
The musk that is available in the market is obtained from such deer which are produced on the farm.
The price of musk varies from country to country and normally it can be found for 100 dollars per gram.
The price of musk always fluctuates.
Musk is difficult to find in its pure, most people make fools of innocent people and seal the musk.
Not everyone can recognize musk, so the musk sellers can easily fool innocent people.
Also, smelling musk can be dangerous for the common man, so musk is not commonly available.

Special Deer for Musk

Special Deer for Musk

The photo above shows the particular deer from whose navel musk is extracted. While a common person will never recognize this deer as a deer. Because at first glance it looks like an animal like a dog or a hyena, While this is the deer from whose navel musk is obtained.

Navel of Deer

Navel of Deer

In the photo above, the navel of a deer is shown, which is like a small ball. Some people believe that when a deer develops musk in its navel, it itself becomes disturbed by the musk.
The deer does not understand where the scent is coming from, so it injures itself and sometimes dies in search of the scent. But the deer does not know that the smell is coming from her navel. But some species of deer know that the scent of musk is coming from their navel.

Correct form Of Musk

mush form

Musk comes out from the navel of deer in the form of powder, which can be deep maroon or light black in color. The photo above shows the original form of musk, which fetches up to $300 a gram. But its exact price is around $100 to $150 dollars,