In this post, you will get such spiritual processes (wazifa) of Surah Fatiha, due to which you will get rid of severe problems in 7 days, apart from this, the real reasons for entering problems in life have also been mentioned in this post. Surah Fatiha is the first blessed surah of the Quran which is in the first Para of the Quran. Before Islam, the punishment of Allah was revealed in many nations due to some or the other sin. Still, because of Surah Fatiha, the Muhammadan nation is safe from worldly punishment. Surah Fatiha is recited in every prayer and it has 7 verses. Surah Al-Fatiha Makki is a blessed Surah and it is also a great dua.
In Surah Fatiha, there is a cure for every disease and a solution to every problem of every Muslim. Therefore, in this post, you will get the spiritual processes of Surah Fatiha, with the blessing of which you will get relief from all your problems within 7 days, but before that, you should know the real reasons for problems in life. Because if you know the real cause of the problem, then you will be able to be safe from the problem in the future life.

Surah Fatiha in Arabic

surah fatiha in arabic

Real Causes of Problems in Life

Every person faces problems many times in life, problems can be minor or severe. A person gets relief from minor problems automatically within a few days, while abnormal problems keep bothering the person for the whole life and such problems enter the human life again and again in a different form. apart from this, due to such unusual problems, some people sometimes cause serious harm to themselves. It should be remembered that unusual problems enter the life of an individual due to 4 factors. These four reasons can be as follows
Evil Eye
Black Magic
Bad Destiny
Bad Deeds
Remember that behind every problem of a person, there is one of the 4 reasons mentioned.
These reasons are not recognized by the human mind, so people suffering from problems usually do not get relief from problems, but what has been said is true and whether you understand the reality of this truth today or tomorrow is a different matter. But the secret to removing the mentioned 4 reasons is in Surah Fatiha. Surah Fatiha is the best spiritual protection and healing, so due to Surah Fatiha a person gets healing from black magic and the evil eye, and the person is also protected from black magic and the evil eye in the next life.
Due to Surah Fatiha, a person gets rid of bad destiny and the fate of a person becomes better than he thought, and due to good destiny, a person starts getting success, money, honor, and love in every field of life. The biggest cause of human problems in humans bad deeds. Whereas with the blessing of Surah Fatiha, a person hates evil, which brings peace and blessings in a person’s life, and because of this, the individual gets rid of all his existing and future problems.

Surah Fatiha for Problems

Surah Fatiha for Problems

After receiving the spiritual blessings of Surah Fatiha, a person can get rid of his every present and every future problem within 7 days
Therefore, for this purpose, you should first recite Durood Sharif 10 times after the Fajr prayer.
After that, recite Surah Fatiha 100 times.
In the end, you close this spiritual process by reciting Durood 10 times.
You should continue the mentioned spiritual process for 7 days.
Insha Allah in 7 days you will get rid of all your problems, and you will be safe from all problems in the future life.
After completing the stated spiritual process, you should make a habit of reciting Durood 10 times and Surah Fatiha 21 times daily so that you do not face any problems again.

Surah Fatiha for Money Problems

Surah Fatiha for Money Problems

Money is the need of every person and every person tries to get money all his life. Due to money, the needs of human life are fulfilled and the biggest need of every person’s life is money. Many people in the world get a lot of money with little effort, while many people work hard day and night to get money, but still, they do not have two meals a day. Remember that money is necessary to meet the needs of the family and more money is available only to those who are lucky. Good luck is achieved by good deeds and dua, and Surah Fatiha in dua has the best spiritual blessings to get good luck and more money.
Therefore, to get more money very quickly, you should first read Durood Sharif 10 times after Isha’s prayer.
After that, recite Surah Fatiha 313 times.
In the end, you close this spiritual process by reciting Durood 10 times.
You have to continue the mentioned spiritual process for 7 days.
After 7 days you should make a habit of reciting Durood 10 times and Surah Fatiha 7 times daily.
Insha Allah, you will start getting more money soon.

Surah Fatiha for Marriage Problems

Surah Fatiha for Marriage Problems

Often young girls and boys have to face obstacles in marriage. Interruption in marriage causes more problems for girls. Apart from this, if someone wants to marry by choice, then due to this, some people have to face storms of problems. Sometimes, due to trivial matters, a person has to face serious obstacles and problems in marriage, and with time, the problems of the individual start to increase instead of decrease. It should be remembered that the biggest reason for the hindrance in a person’s marriage is the evil eye. Therefore, due to the evil eye, a person has to face severe obstacles and problems in marriage. Therefore, until the individual gets rid of the evil eye, he continues to face obstacles to marriage. So if you want to remove your marriage problems in 7 days, then for this purpose you should recite Surah Fatiha for 7 days. Insha Allah, you will get rid of all marriage problems in 7 days.
To do the spiritual process of Surah Fatiha, you should first read Durood 10 times after Isha prayer.
After that, recite Surah Fatiha 300 times.
In the end, recite Durood 10 times again and stop this spiritual process.
You should continue the mentioned spiritual process for 7 days. Insha Allah, in 7 days you will get rid of all obstacles of marriage.

Surah Fatiha for Wealth And Success

Surah Fatiha for Wealth And Success

The secret of success and wealth in the world is that one should make a habit of giving food to the hungry.
By feeding the deserving one, the person’s luck becomes good, and due to good luck, the person starts getting success and wealth in every field of life.
It should be remembered that the poor also have a right to what we earn.
But when we pay the right of the deserving to the undeserving, it causes trouble in our lives.
Apart from this, due to giving charity to the undeserving, the number of beggars in society increases and people start preferring begging instead of working.
Therefore, the first secret to get wealth and success is to feed the poor and if a person does not find a deserving person, then he can get wealth and success in life through the spiritual blessings of Surah Fatiha.
If a brother or sister wants to gain wealth and success, then he should make a habit of reciting Surah Fatiha 7 times after every prayer.
Inshallah soon Allah will grant you wealth and success in life.

Surah Fatiha for Wishes

Surah Fatiha for Wishes

Desires are born in the heart of every human being and every human being wants to achieve their desires as soon as possible. but some people do not get their wishes despite hard work and effort. Some people work hard all their lives to achieve their trivial desires, but they get nothing but infamy, failure, and disgrace.
Remember that the fulfillment of wishes depends on good luck and good luck can be obtained through prayer, and the best dua for good luck is Surah Fatiha. Therefore, a person who makes a habit of reciting Surah Fatiha 4 times and Ayatul Kursi once after every prayer will get all his wishes within a few days.

Amulet for Good Luck

Amulet for Good Luck

The secret of getting rid of every problem in life is to always be safe from evil eye, black magic, and bad luck, apart from this, the secret of success in life is hidden in good luck.
So you need spiritual protection and good fortune to be safe from every problem in life and to succeed. Due to spiritual protection, you will be protected from the evil eye, black magic, enemies, and bad luck, and good destiny will lead to your success.
Therefore, the best spiritual process for attaining the mentioned excellence is the divine amulet. Due to the divine amulet, you will get rid of all problems and you will not have to face any problems in the next life. apart from this, the divine amulet causes good luck for the individual, and due to good luck, you will always get success, money, wealth, honor, and love in every field of life. Therefore, you should keep the divine amulet in your house and keep it with you.

Divine Amulet will be sent to you on WhatsApp and for this purpose, we need your name and purpose. Click the button below for details.

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