Barakah is an Arabic word which means divine blessing. This word appears 32 times in the Quran. Barakah is a gift or blessing from God that cannot be earned or bought, Rather, it is a gift from Allah, which is a sign of His kindness and love. In this post, we will tell you the reality of Barakah and dua to get Barakah. Apart from this, we will also tell you how a person faces losses in life due to the deprivation of Barakah. This post contains the secret to turning failure into success so read this post till the end.

What Is Barakah In Islam ?

What Is Barakah In Islam

Barakah is a blessing that every human being gets at the time of birth. Because of Barakah, a child gets the love and sustenance of his parents. Apart from this, due to the Barakah, one is protected from the problems and diseases of the world. But as a child grows older, he develops some habits due to which he begins to lose Barakah.
When a person is deprived of Barakah, he is bound to suffer from terrible problems in life.
Actually, there are problems, diseases, fear, failure, and devils all around in our lives.
While man is protected from them due to Barakah,
But as soon as we are deprived of Barakah, So because of, we fall victim to the problems that are already around us. Just like if someone stands in a dark room with a candle, the darkness stays away from him,
But if the candle goes out, that person is surrounded by darkness.
In this example, the Barakah is the candle, and darkness is the world’s troubles.
In this post, we will tell you about the reasons for the loss of Barakah And the losses due to the deprivation of Barakah. Also, in this post, we will tell you a dua that will help you regain the blessing. Due to this prosperity and peace will start coming into your life again.
So if you want prosperity, success, and wealth in your life then read this post till the end.

Disadvantages of Deprivation of Barakah

Disadvantages of Deprivation of Barakah

Due to the deprivation of Barakah, a person faces numerous problems in life, and such problems do not go away with effort and hard work. Rather, to remove these problems, you have to reap the blessings again. In this paragraph, we will tell you about the worldly losses due to the deprivation of Barakah.
Any person may face the following problems due to a lack of blessings.
Sustenance problem,
Business interruption,
Having an incurable disease,
Interruption in marriage and relationship,
Mischief and mischief in the house,
Oppose people,
to have an accident,
evil eye and would have become a victim of black magic,
Hatred of the husband,
Restlessness and restlessness,
When a person is deprived of a Barakah, the first thing he experiences is scarcity of sustenance,
And after that gradually the individual starts to suffer from debt, poverty, and domestic problems.
A person’s job can be terminated due to a lack of Barakah. Due to the deprivation of Barakah, a person may suffer from anxiety, depression, and any incurable disease.
A person is always worried due to a lack of Barakah. Due to a lack of blessings, there are obstacles in a person’s life due to which the person fails in marriage, relationship, business, and every field of life. Deprivation of Barakah brings restlessness in the house, due to which mischief and corruption prevail in the house. A person cannot accumulate money due to a lack of Barakah. Deprivation of Barakah turns love into hatred, due to which there is always disagreement between husband and wife, children and parents and siblings. Due to the Deprivation of Barakah, even common people can misbehave with the person.
Enemies quickly overcome those who are deprived of Barakah. People deprived of Barakah are deprived of spiritual protection, due to which such people fall victim to black magic and evil eye very quickly. We have told you the possible losses due to the deprivation of Barakah.
But now the question arises of how to know whether a person is deprived of Barakah or not.
So now we tell you 10 such signs, based on which we can confirm whether we are deprived of Barakah or not.

Signs of Deprivation of Barakah

Signs of Deprivation of Barakah

Due to the deprivation of blessings, different symptoms may appear in different people. In this paragraph, we are telling the symptoms that appear due to the deprivation of blessings. We have found them based on our personal observations.
These signs are not mentioned in any book.
Therefore, the biggest sign of being deprived of Barakah is that a person feels enjoy for doing evil or seeing evil.
That is, if a person falls on the ground, then if someone laughs at seeing that person, it means that this person is missing out on blessings.
Similarly, to be happy to hear backbiting
To be glad to see a quarrel,
Severe anxiety,
Getting lost in too many thoughts,
Making fun of people,
Getting into trouble again and again,
Worry about sustenance,
Having depression,
People who are deprived of Barakah often feel fear,
The described symptoms appear due to deprivation of Barakah.
The question arises as to why the individual is deprived of Barakah. The answer to this question is given in the paragraph below.

11 Reasons for Deprivation of Barakah

11 Reasons for Deprivation of Barakah

In Islam, we find many reasons why a person is deprived of blessings. These reasons can be the following. Listening to songs, quarreling, or talking at the time of Azan also deprives a person of good Barakah.
Due to non-prayer, a person is deprived of Barakah.
Due to drinking alcohol or bringing alcohol into the house, a person loses blessings.
Knowingly or unknowingly, if a person takes usury or gives usury, he is deprived of the blessings forever.
By swearing or lying, a person loses his blessings.
The habit of abuse deprives a person of Barakah.
If the wife misbehaves with her husband, then she loses Barakah due to this.
If the child misbehaves with his father, then because of this, he is deprived of the Barakah of life.
People who commit sins and do not ask for forgiveness, then they are also deprived of good Barakah.
Due to having big nails, a person is deprived of Barakah.
By sweeping the house at the time of Maghrib or after Maghrib, a person loses blessings.
If the hands are cleaned with the Cloth for covering bread, then the blessing ends.
If the milk is boiled and falls into the stove, then the blessing is lost due to this.
Due to the bad smell of the washroom, the Barakah is removed from the house.
Disturbing a cat or a dog for no reason destroys the Barakah.
We have told you the 11 most common reasons for missing out on Barakah,
and the losses due to deprivation of Barakah have also been told to you.
Now we will tell you such a dua, with the blessing of which you will soon get Barakah again.

Dua for Barakah

Dua for Barakah<br />

In order to regain the Barakah, remove from your life all the reasons that are the reason for the loss of the blessing. After that, recite the dua for Barakah, Insha Allah, you will start receiving blessings soon. It should be remembered that every verse of the Quran is blessed.
We are going to tell you a process to get Barakah from “Salamun Qolam Min Rabbin Rahim”.
Surah Yasin is one of the most blessed surahs of the Quran,
And one of the great verses of Surah Yasin is “Salamun Qolam Min Rabbin Rahim”.
Therefore, the method of receiving Barakah from “Salamun Qolam Min Rabbin Rahim”. is listed below.
First, you feed 3 poor people.
After that, recite Durood Sharif 3 times after performing the Isha prayer.
After that, recite 300 times “Salamun Qolam Min Rabbin Rahim”
At the end, recite Durood Sharif three times.
Continue this spiritual process for 14 days.
After 14 days you again feed three poor people.
After completing this process, you should get into the habit of reciting Durd Sharif 100 times and “Salamun Qolam Min Rabbin Rahim”100 times daily.
Insha Allah, soon you will start receiving Barakah.
After receiving the Barakah, you will soon start receiving untold sustenance, money, prosperity, and success.
It should be remembered that due to the deprivation of Barakah, a person’s business, home, money, marriage, relationship, and sustenance can be badly affected.
So now we are telling you some such duas, due to which you can get relief from your problems by getting blessings regarding sustenance, money, business, home, marriage, and relationships.

Dua For Barakah In Business

Dua For Barakah In Business

Using a prohibited item( haraam) in a place of business, lying in business, taking money on interest for business, and swearing to sell something, one loses the business blessing.
Due to this, the individual is not able to succeed in his business despite the immense effort and hard work. So feed at least one poor person every Friday to get blessings in business
And get into the habit of reciting “Astaghfirullah Rabbi Min Kulli Zambiyon Wa Atubu Ilaih” 100 times daily. Insha Allah, soon you will start receiving blessings. Dua For Barakah In Business is in the photo above.

Dua for Barakah in Rizq

Dua for Barakah in Rizq

When a person is deprived of Barakah, it first affects his sustenance. That is, a person starts facing scarcity of sustenance and debt, and with the passage of time, he starts having serious problems in obtaining sustenance. The reason for this is not feeding the hungry, disturbing a beggar, killing a dog, spoiling a bird’s nest, or disturbing an orphan.
So in such a situation, you should recite “Ya Ghafoor Ya Rahim” 300 times daily,
And make the birds used to feed. Insha Allah, soon you will get rid of all problems regarding sustenance.

Dua For Barakah In The House

Dua For Barakah In The House

When a person commits evil in his house, because of this, the blessings of his house disappear.
Doing evil in the house means bringing alcohol into the house,
Drinking alcohol at home.
wife beating,
Abusive husband,
Not reciting the Quran at home,
Playing music at home in the morning,
Sweeping the house in the evening,
Not cleaning the washroom of the house,
the smell coming from the house.
And don’t give charity to a beggar.
If there is no blessing in your house, then because of this, there is a lack of sustenance in the house,
And apart from that, there is always some problem in the house.
Therefore, in such a case, clean the washroom of the house.
Remove odors from the home.
Switch off the TV and mobile phone during the Azan.
Make it a habit to Recite the Quran at home.
And apart from that, make it a habit to recite “Hasbunallah Wanikmal Wakil “100 times daily.
Insha Allah, Barakah will start coming into your house soon.
Hasbunallah Wanikmal Wakil ” is present in the above photo.

Dua for Barakah In Life

Dua for Barakah In Life

There are some evils of man, due to which his life is far away from Barakah. If the blessing ends in a person’s life, it means that such a person faces serious problems at home, honor, health, job, sustenance, money, children, and business. And such problems remain imposed on the individual throughout his life. It should be remembered that if the blessing ends in life, then such people will definitely get an incurable disease.
Therefore, in such a case, try to make your personality according to Quran and Hadith.
And after every prayer recite 10 times “Astaghfirullah Rabbi Min Kulli Zambiyon Wa Atubu Ilaih” InshAllah, Barakah will start coming into your life soon. In the photo above there is a Dua to Barakah to life.

Dua for Barakah In Money

Dua for Barakah In Money

If you don’t have enough money ، So you may miss the Barakah of money. The reason for this may be miserliness, love of money and not taking care of the poor. Therefore, if you are deprived of the Barakah of money, then for this purpose you should make a habit of reciting Ayat Kareema 300 times a day.
Soon Allah will give you Barakah In Money. Due to this, you will start getting money from all sides. The prayer for blessing in money is in the above photo.

Dua For Barakah In Marriage

Dua For Barakah In Marriage

Some people suffer from marriage and relationship obstacles due to a lack of Barakah. Due to this, neither they get a better person for marriage nor the obstacles to their marriage are removed. And sometimes after such people get married, the marriage is in danger
But the people who get Barakah do not have to face any kind of problem before and after marriage and relationship. If a brother or sister is suffering from problems regarding marriage and relationship. So they should make a habit of reciting Ayatul Kursi 70 times daily. Insha Allah, in a few days, God will remove all your worries.

Amulet for Barakah

It should be remembered that the effect of black magic and Evil Eyes on people who are deprived of Barakah is very quick. Due to evil eyes and black magic, a person is not able to recite Dua with restriction due to which he does not get blessings. So in such a case, the best thing for you is to get Divine Amulet from our team and keep it in your house and keep it with you. Due to the Divine Amulet, your life, property, honor, children, home, job, and health will be under the protection of Allah. And you will always be blessed. Divine Amulet will be the reason for your good luck and you will always get more money and success than you think.

Divine Amulet will be sent to you on WhatsApp and for this purpose, we need your name and purpose. Click the button below for details.

you can contact our team for prayer and spiritual help.

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